I have not updated the news for artemide for several months by now. However, it does not mean that the development was idle. There are several important announcements.
1) Together with the paper [1902.08474], I release the new version of artemide - ver.1.4. There are plenty of changes, but the majority of them are structural. Now, it runs in parallel for multiple data-inputs. So, it is incompatible with earlier versions. There are also: asymmetric cuts, several new processes, and bug-fixing. List of changes can be found in manual.
2) Artemide is made on Fortran, which is not always convenient. Now, we have harpy (Hybrid ARtemide PYthon). It is a module which wraps some artemide functions, and which is compilable by f2py (the Fortran-linking library for python). So, you can use artemide with python. It does not inherit full functionality, but main routines are in, and extra could be added. Harpy is in the early stage of development, and I have big plans on its extension. Nonetheless, it is already functional, e.g., a part of work for paper [1902.08474], was made with its help. If you have suggestions on what to add to harpy, and how to develop it better, please, write to me.
3) Finally, since it is much more convenient to have a repository for code publishing, I have made the git-repository for artemide. Here, you can find the latest release and development version. It also contains harpy, manual, and some examples.
Link to repository: https://github.com/VladimirovAlexey/artemide-public