I have not updated the news for artemide for several months by now, which is a significant fault, because already for three months artemide is ver.2.00. In fact, I have just committed ver.2.01. It is not yet released since I wait for responses from "testers." Let me mention the main changes is order.
artemide v2.00
It is a critical architectural update, which was required for a long time. It touches absolutely all modules (although it does not touch numerics). Starting from this version, all modules on the initialization stage read the ''constants-file'', and load all necessary information from it. It was like that in earlier versions, where modules read values of some global constants from the file. However, now, the modules read (literally) all initialization information from this file, including, e.g., names of PDF sets and perturbative orders. Main reasons why it is better than earlier:
-- No, need to recompile artemide each time you consider another PDF set, or SIDIS instead of DY. Now, the recompilation is only necessary if NP-model is changed.
-- Version compatibility. The external file makes the transition between versions much-much easier. In principle, only constants-file should be updated to make older version work with a new one (there is a special code for it).
-- Snapshot for fits. Constants-file effectively saves the full current configuration of artemide, which can be used in the future.
In addition to the new initialization system, I have written two modules: aTMDe_setup and aTMDe_control. They are separate from the main artemide code and completely utilitarian. aTMDe_setup reads, modifies and writes constants files (it also contains default options). In particular, it can update an older version of constants-file to an actual one. aTMDe_control is an interface to artemide. It loads all modules required by constants-file, and pass commands to a proper module in proper order. So, there is no need to worry is all loaded in proper order and which modules to include in your code. You can operate only with aTMDe_control (this is the suggested option).
There are several other modifications, which worth to mention:
-- The models now contain b*-function. I.e., the function which replaces b in matching coefficient. So, b*-prescription can be used.
-- Fixed a memory leak error, in bin-integration routine. It probably caused to a ''segmentation fault'' error experienced by some users.
artemide v2.01
This update introduces several new options and a whole new module: lpTMDPDF.
-- Module lpTMDPDF evaluates linearly polarized gluon TMDPDFm including NNLO matching (paper will appear soon).
-- Added a recently found (not yet published) exact solution for the special zeta-line (defined in terms of non-perturbative rapidity anomalous dimension). It is strange why I have not realized earlier that such a simple solution exists.
-- Added pi-resummation option for Drell-Yan processes
-- Added Higgs-production cross-section in TMD factorization. However, I have not added any Higgs-decay mode yet.
-- Several bugs fixed, + a bunch of new processes added (e.g., pion induced Drell-Yan).